P01.54. Electrical potential of acupuncture points: use of a Scanning Kelvin Probe
Purpose According to conventional wisdom within the acupuncture community, acupuncture points are distinguishable by their electrical properties. However, confounders arising from skin-to-electrode contact (such as electrode pressure and skin moisture) have contributed to controversies over this claim. Because the Scanning Kelvin Probe relies on capacitive coupling and thus measures electrical potential without actually touching the skin, it is ideal for assessing the electrical characteristics of acupuncture points. In this study, we evaluate the electrical potential profiles of acupoint LI-4 and PC-6 and their adjacent controls. We hypothesize that acupoints are associated with a potential maximum, while adjacent controls are not.
منابع مشابه
Electrical Potential of Acupuncture Points: Use of a Noncontact Scanning Kelvin Probe
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